A Tenth Revolution Group Company

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We'd love to send you tech hiring insights and tips by email, phone, or other electronic means.

We’ll find you the best tech professionals. Guaranteed.

Writing job descriptions can take time. During the course of a year, our consultants will read hundreds—if not thousands—of job specs from multiple organizations around the world, meaning we’re uniquely placed to advise on roles, responsibilities, and mandatory and desirable skills.

Here's how it works:

  • An FRG Technology Consulting recruiter will contact you within 1 hour to discuss your role.
  • A shortlist of available and suitable candidates will be in your inbox within 24 hours.
  • Fast and effective placement of the most-highly skilled, certified ERP specialists currently available in the marketplace, often within 24 hours for contractors.
  • Fast and effective placement of the most highly-skilled tech specialists currently available in the marketplace—often within 24 hours for contractors.
  • You'll also get access to our latest tech insights, industry trends and advice on candidate relocation and remote working.